
Cheyenne brinson, president

Cheyenne is a healthcare consultant with over 20 years experience. She holds an MBA and Bachelor’s degree in accounting from Troy State University in Troy, Alabama. She is an inductee to the Accounting Hall of Honor in recognition of her professional accomplishments and past president of the Illinois Medical Group Management Association.

Finally diagnosed at age 40 with lipedema, Cheyenne seeks to educate patients and physicians about lipedema, Dercum's Disease and other fat disorders, so that early diagnosis and treatment can occur. 

In memory of laura baker, vice-president (October 30, 1961-July 19, 2020)

Laura is a true champion for the Lipedema and Dercum’s disease community and we continue to celebrate her life and memory. Laura was the heart and soul of the FDRS board. She was part of the team that resurrected FDRS and had been a staunch advocate for those affected by adipose tissue disorders. Laura was a friend to all that met her and offered grace, wit, and compassion to every situation. Despite Laura’s cancer diagnosis, she was an active member of the board until her untimely passing. We mourn Laura but celebrate her many accomplishments and dedication to her family, friends, and adipose tissue community. Her struggles with receiving medical care was featured in an NBC News article.

Laura was a Special Education and General Education Teacher as well as Reading Specialist. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from the University of California at Santa Barbara and received her teaching credentials with Honors from California State University Northridge. Over the course of her 22 year career, she taught children from Kindergarten through Eighth Grade. Laura was a Dercum’s Disease, Lipedema and Lymphedema patient who had experienced years of fat bias and lack of diagnoses. Her desire to educate healthcare providers and fellow patients about fat disorders motivated her to volunteer for FDRS.

Laura lived in Santa Barbara, California with her husband, John and daughter, Katie. She enjoyed writing, singing, sewing and swimming. Their two cats kept her company as she spent her time on home projects, writing interests, and volunteering for FDRS.

briana garrott, secretary

Briana is an Orange County, Southern California native.  After moving to Santa Barbara, California in 1997 to pursue employment in Fine Dining Management, she returned to Orange County to focus on raising her children.  Her Lipedema symptoms came on full force during a high risk pregnancy and difficult delivery of her son in 2003.  A mere 14 months later she welcomed her second son into her family.  During this time she made great efforts to understand the dramatic shift that had occurred in her lower body; trying weight loss management plans, food eliminations and extreme fitness training to no avail.  Returning back to the work force in an Administrative position for an Environmental Consulting Firm in 2010 her symptoms began to accelerate and worsen.  This led to greater research efforts and ultimately discovering the possibility of lipedema in 2013.  Briana immediately pursued conservative treatment options and eventually received an official diagnosis in 2015.  She is currently working for a Holistic and Allopathic Veterinary Practice as a Hospital Administrator where she is fully supported by her employers to make her health a priority.  Briana is an active member of the lipedema community and has been practicing conservative treatments with great success for two years.  

Mariam Aladdin-Albakaye, treasurer

Mariam is an accountant with over 20 years of non-profit experience. In 1997 she earned her bachelor’s degree in accounting from The University of Maryland and in 2001 earned a Masters in Tax from American University. In 1998 Mariam earned her CPA.

Overweight as a child, she thought the shape of her legs was the result of not working-out hard enough when she was able to lose 130 pounds. In 2011/2012 she trained and ran both a half and full marathon despite noticing her body respond negatively to the training. Over the next several years, weight became an issue again. Frustrated by her ankle cut-offs and increased leg swelling, Mariam researched “fat legs” and suddenly discovered Lipedema.

Officially diagnosed in 2015, Mariam has done both conservative and aggressive treatments to limit the progression her Lipedema. Mariam is excited to work with FDRS to increase Lipedema awareness.


Polly Armour, Research Coordinator

Polly studied Applied Ecology at Rutgers University, and worked as an environmental scientist while operating an organic farm in New York’s Hudson Valley.  In 2013, she discovered she had lipedema, eventually undergoing WAL liposuction with Dr. Josef Stutz.  Afterwards, she acted as a “patient pilot,” helping American women with lipedema navigate the journey to Germany, and she realized how badly we need this treatment in the States, since many people cannot make a trip overseas. Through her company Stutz Lipedema Services LLC, she assists Dr Stutz’s patients, plans his teaching trips, and advocates for women with Lipedema.


Jerianne Wheaton, Board Member

Jerianne was first diagnosed with secondary lymphedema in 2003. While receiving treatment her therapist shared that she thought her body showed signs of lipedema. The next several years she was unable to find physician care and in 2014 she received an official diagnosis of Dercum’s Disease and lipedema. Jerianne has tried all types of therapy, vitamins, exercise, medications, pain management therapy, food elimination and behavior modifications to help her combat these diseases. Her goals are to keep moving, working and living her best life.

Jerianne has been working with teenagers as a youth missions coordinator, teacher and coach. She has a Masters of Liberal Arts in History and a Masters of Art both from Baker University, in Baldwin City, KS. Jerianne is an avid scuba diver and enjoys water activities. She has been a global volunteer, helping rebuild homes and lives after natural disasters. Jerianne advocates for Dercum’s Disease, Lipedema and Lymphedema.